Current Insurance Providers
Is nutrition covered and how does this work?
Insurance policies cover visits even if you don’t have a diagnosis & want it 4 prevention of a disease.
What diseases are covered?
Heart Disease - even family history is justification to have nutrition therapy insurance coverage.
Kidney Disease
Eating Disorders
Diabetes Type 1 and 2
How do I find out?
Call the 800 number on your insurance card, ask 4 a representative & if Medical Nutrition Therapy is covered. Follow steps:
If the insurance company asks for a CPT code provide them with codes 97802 & 97803.
If they say you don’t have coverage, ask for CPT codes: 99401, 99402, 99403 and 99404.
We also can bill for S9470 if it is covered on your policy.
If the representative asks for a diagnosis ICD 10 code – please tell them the visit is coded ICD: Z71.3.
If they don’t accept Z71.3 then provide them with Z72.4. See if they will cover that.
If you’re overweight, obese, pre-diabetic, diabetic, have hypertension/high cholesterol ask what your coverage is for these.
We code your visit using preventative coding to max the number of visits you receive from your insurance carrier.
If you only have a medical diagnosis (i.e. IBS, you are not overweight/heart disease risk) you may have a cost-share
In the form of a deductible
What questions do I ask my insurance company?
Do I have coverage 4 nutrition counseling?
Do I need a referral to see a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist?
Are my diagnoses covered on my plan?
How many visits per calendar year do I have?
Do I have a cost-share for these services?
Is there a cost for me if I chose to have the appointment as a telehealth visit versus in person visit?
Do I have to pay anything 4 my nutrition visit?
A cost-share is the amount you pay per your insurance plan. This can be in the form of a deductible, co-pay or co-insurance.
We bill under your insurance policy’s plan 4 preventative benefits. If you have these benefits there is often NO cost share.
If you have cost-share we bill your insurance company & bill the credit card on file for the patient responsibility.
Insurances consider dietitians specialists, therefore your specialist co-pay applies at the time of service. It is on your card.