What happens in Vegas…

Not into the hyped-up hangover Las Vegas iv therapy?? What is better than a Vegas hangover iv is a salty higher carbohydrate breakfast that will give you that pep back in your step. Hash House A-Go-Go is the place to go-go then.
Do you remember eating the best corned beef hash recipe with fried eggs as a kid? This place will bring back that nostalgia however we have a major upgrade on the hash here. You have several to choose from.
If you are wondering what to drink on a hangover, you probably are really craving a high carbohydrate salty food to offset the sweet beverages from the night before. In this case, Hash House A-Go-Go’s famous meatloaf is the way to go. If you can stand to go lighter which is recommended for most of my diets, there are several options.
The chicken hash recipe with garlic and onion is loaded with cruciferous vegetables; the better to fight sicknesses. Cruciferous vegetables are the instigators to produce glutathione in your body, the mother of all antioxidants. In these days, it is best to be dosing up on these vegetables every day. (This needs a link to a page on my site with the cruciferous vegetables such as this video: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7263077/ (https://www.facebook.com/dorothydawn.rd/videos/10223149744711131 )
The vegetarian breakfast hash is also delightful. You will not even miss the meat and it is best to aim for a meatless day once a week. #MeatlessMonday which is perfect if you are hitting this place on your way out from the weekend.
To adhere to the lightest options on your stay in Vegas so you don’t have to look for a “weight loss clinic near me”, order these hash dishes with all egg whites and whole wheat toast dry (no butter). These dishes are huge so split with your dining partner. Remember to save room for a sweet bite of fruit at the end of your meal as these meals all come with a bite of free-radical fighting Vitamin C and A rich fruit orange slice and cantaloupe.
The servers here are on it once they make their way to your table. This place is usually bustling since not only is it the best brunch in Las Vegas, it is one of the best all-day brunches in town.
Since you already are wondering what to drink on a hangover, order your beverages and meal right away in one stop from your server. Carbonated beverages often feel good on a tummy after a night out on the town. This is because research shows it increases the speed of liver enzymes breaking down the toxic chemical from alcohol metabolism acetaldehyde. ( https://www.nhs.uk/news/food-and-diet/sprite-pepsi-and-tea-tested-as-hangover-cures/)
The bloody Mary recipe will help alleviate at least a little pain from the night before because of the saltiness of electrolytes, B Vitamins and antioxidants. The healthiest option is a sparkling club soda or iced tea. Coffee would not hurt either – black.
Add Hash House A Go-Go as one of the best restaurants on the Las Vegas strip (along with nine other locations including St. George, Utah, Orlando, San Diego, Montville, CT). This place is so good, we literally drove thirteen miles back into town to hit up this favorite breakfast joint. You will be taken back to a feeling of grounded good homestyle Bible-belt Midwest Indiana cooking while you attempt to cure yourself from your Sin City shenanigans.